Engage with Carolyn

Are you ready to have a deeper conversation about creating a life, or an organization, by design, not default? One that is powerful, purposeful and leverages the EPIC! gifts of women? I would love to explore that further with you.

Workshops, Webinars, and Keynotes

Interested in equipping and inspiring the women in your network to design an EPIC! life? Looking to create a more innovative, inclusive and gender smart organization? Carolyn offers keynotes, webinars, and in-person workshops for companies, organizations and networks  in exchange for advance commitments on bulk book purchases.

If you are interested in working with Carolyn, please complete the following information and she will be in touch shortly.

Carolyn loves to address these EPIC! topics:

Building Gender-Smart Organizations

  • Creating an EPIC! Culture of Belonging

  • Winning with Women

  • The Journey to Gender Equity

  • Women and Power

  • Winning with Sponsorship

  • The Power of the Purse: Reimagining Healthcare through a Gender Lens

Women’s Transformation

  • Playing the Decade Game

  • Courageous Leadership

  • Ambition and Power

  • Winning with Networks and Networking

  • Honing Your Executive Presence

  • Building Sponsorship and Relationship Capital

  • Getting to “Yes” in Business

  • Build a Portfolio Life